Baked Glazed Ham on the Bone

Sale price Price $240.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

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Our hams are smoked, glazed and baked in mustard, spices and maple. They are naturally gluten free. Simply pair with one of our salads for a gluten free feast.  

All Christmas items will be available for pick up on Saturday the 23rd of December from 12-2pm from our cafe in Palmer street.  

Please email us directly if you would like to organise for earlier pick up.


Well it depends! How many guests are you feeding? Will ham be the main feature of your Christmas feast or will there also be turkey, seafood and other substantial proteins? Do you want any leftovers (this is a trick question - who doesn't want Christmas leftovers!?)

Our recommendations are calculated based on your ham being the sole feature of your Christmas feast. If you're serving other proteins and don't have any big eaters attending you may be able to go with a little less. 

We recommend you allow 250g-300g of ham per person.

A 5kg ham on the bone should easily cater generously for 10-15 people with leftovers.

A 10kg ham on the bone should easily cater generously for 20-30 people with leftovers.